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Posted by Christina on 05 May 2007 | Tagged as: Running
The New Jersey Shore Marathon and Half Marathon – April 29, 2007
Marathon day was surprisingly warm and clear. There were some thunderstorms and heavy rain on Friday, which scared us. On race day, it was fairly humid, but clear and not a drop of rain. It was probably a tad too warm for the full marathon. Lots of people were on the course. The marathon directors were telling us that there were approximately 6000 registered runners overall.
We’d decided to do the half this time. The full marathon is a double loop of the same course. We started right out front of the host hotel on a wooden boardwalk at a very reasonable 7:30 AM and found it just a little cool. It seemed a bit windy and the ocean view was incredible. Soon after we turned off and went along some roads and through neighborhoods. The scenery varied quite a bit. We went over some bridges and snaked our way through a very circuitous course. It had lots and lots of twists and turns. I don’t really mind that, as there always seems to be something new coming along. There was some entertainment along the way at a few spots to keep us pumped up. There are a few miles along Ocean Blvd that have some traffic, but we were pretty much protected by traffic cones.
We go back toward the boardwalk and run along side it for the last mile + and then finish right about where the start line was. The full marathon runners take a second loop. There was a pretty large showing from Team in Training (you guys ROCK!), and some of them were still finishing well past the 7 hr deadline with loads of that great TNT support.
About the hardware: I really like the medals for this race. They’re very interesting and attractive. Yup, there are definitely pictures!
This is a whole weekend of events with many children’s and family runs happening on Saturday. There is literally “something for everyone” at the Jersey Shore during the NJ Marathon Weekend!
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Posted by Christina on 19 Feb 2007 | Tagged as: Running
The Lost Dutchman Marathon, Apache Junction (near Phoenix) Feb 18, 2007
There’s a new venue for the expo in the Multi Generational center in Apache Junction. Thank’s again to our Portland Fit and Galloway friends for stopping by!
The weather in the Southwest was unseasonably warm – Ok, well it’s always warm, but it was WARMer than it usually is in mid-february. The lows were in the upper 60’s and Saturday’s high was 85 so we were pretty concerned how we’d fare in the heat on Sunday. We did the half marathon. Thankfully we woke up to clouds and wind that was a bit chilly, but as we got going the wind seemed to die down.
The full marathon here is highly recommended. It’s fairly small, and the beginning is wonderful. Ok, back to the half. It’s an out and back course. (again, it’s a hilly place, don’t expect a flat run!) I liked the changes of footing, part asphalt, part dirt road. We ran through the desert, and through some neighborhoods. I really enjoy the varied architechture, and the desert scenery as the sun comes up is breathtaking. The race has an army of volunteers and a race director who is very competent and a very sweet person. Apparently someone made a course mistake that lead the front of the pack (half marathon only) off in the wrong direction, and that was unfortunate, but what can you do? This is a race director’s worst nightmare come true and she truly felt horrible about it, and offered what compensation was available to her. Don’t let this discourage you from trying this race! I am sure next year everything will be corrected!
And there’s lots of pictures!
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Posted by Christina on 12 Feb 2007 | Tagged as: Running
Mercedes Marathon, Birmingham, AL Feb 11
First a big THANK YOU to the folks from Portland Fit and our Friends from Jeff Galloway’s camps for your support stopping by our booth at the expo!
Birmingham’s Mercedes Marathon is a well run race and a well run expo. As you know, it’s always much better to Pre-register, and Mercedes is no exception. The weather was cool this year. I am sure the locals thought it was FREEZING, but I was quite comfortable in a light long sleeve tech shirt, vest and shorts. Birmingham is a hilly city (much like Portland is) and the course does take advantage of this fact. I did the half marathon and there is a very long steep hill that really takes the stuffing out of you, but soon you’re having to come back down and it’s fun to see the Birmingham sky line in the distance as you’re running toward the finish! Don’t forget, finish in the time limits, and you get a free entry to win a Mercedes Benz car! After the finish is a great barbeque where you have your choice of beef, pork or chicken and beer or soda. This race has a nice crowd of folks and is really enjoyable. Here are the pictures!
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Posted by Christina on 20 Jan 2007 | Tagged as: Running
Fun at Walt Disney World Goofy’s Challenge
The second time is the charm! After succumbing to failure at mile 11 of the marathon last year due to stomache cramps and blisters, I managed to find the right combination to success this year! The weather was as extreme, but in the opposite direction. Last year was 29 chilly degrees at the start, this year hit temps into the 80s and extremely muggy conditions.
Disney World Endurance weekend usually comes in with mild, pleasant weather along with good running conditions, characters along the course and armies of cheerful volunteers and spectators. This year the heat was a definite challenge. The multi start makes this year makes it easier to see the startline festivities, even for the folks in the back corrals.
The 5 K was on Friday, and it filled up early so I wasn’t tempted to add it to my weekend. The half marathon on Saturday started just outside Epcot, then winds through Epcot and onto the road toward the Ticket & Transportation Center. After that we ran past Disney’s Contemporary resort and into the Magic Kingdom. For me, next comes the “high†of both races. We run through Cinderella’s castle and have our picture taken in front of the castle. Then it’s out through adventureland and out onto the road. Here we run past the Shade’s of Green golf resort on our way back to Epcot, through Epcot and out to the finish line just outside Epcot.
The full Marathon on Sunday starts near the same place as the half. Here we again wind through Epcot, over to the Magic Kingdom and the “high†of Cinderella’s castle and back out on the road in front of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort. For me, this is where the hard work started, as the temperatures rose. We then wound our way through the Disney roads to Animal kingdom and out the front gates, The course no longer goes right up to the Sports Center, but it has an out and back that’s about a mile each way (give or take). Then off to MGM and through an open area near the Swan and Dolfin. We hit the boardwalk area behind Epcot and from there entered “the back way†and went through the World Showcase and out toward the front of the park. At this point we veer to the right to a rousing finish line.
Things I’ve learned:
1) BEFORE the race is not a good time to bring the family to Disney for vacation. Last year I spent too much rest time playing in the parks and eating the rich foods.
2) It really helps to bring a different pair of shoes for each race. It gives your feet something else to feel rather than more miles in the same hotspots.
3) Taping your feet is NOT a guarantee against blisters in hot humid weather. The tape stays intact, it’s smooth, but HUGE blisters can still develop under them.
4) Carry your own water/sports drink. It doesn’t matter how large/small or experienced a race is, they can STILL run out of water and/or cups. Keep your bottle filled. Carrying water is a small price to pay to avoid dehydration and perhaps risk your finish.
OH! And
5) It really really helps to have a local friend that can bring you a couple of bottles of frozen water about halfway through the run! Thanks Sharon!!!
Have fun, stop and smell the roses… Oh.. and I have pictures!
One restaurant recommendation: BOMA in Animal Kingdom Lodge. The wonderful array of African flavors tastes ESPECIALLY good after 39.3 miles. Feel free to email me if you are looking for more tips or have any questions!
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Posted by Christina on 23 Dec 2006 | Tagged as: Running
Sunmart Texas Trail: December 9, 2006
People will tell you that Sunmart is ALWAYS a mudfest. And most of the time it really is. This particular cold weekend in December, though, the trails were dry. The start was colder than any other Sunmart I’ve done, but for me, anyway, the weather was PERFECT. This was the first time, too, that I have ever taken a spill on the trail. Early on, around mile 5, a root jumped out from below a pile of leaves and grabbed my foot, and down I went. Fortunately, instead of heading into one of the nearby trees, I landed on a fluffy pile of pine needles and leaves. It didn’t seem to hurt my race, much — on we went!
Sunmart is known for its “premiums†and they teased us last year by telling us that this year – the designs would change. They had a new “race shirt†which is tech fabric and it’s really nice!
The night before the race (included in your entry fee) in addition to all the goodies that you pick up with your packet, is a wonderful pre race dinner. When you arrive on site for the start, you’re treated to a huge breakfast. The aid stations are well stocked. Although for the slow folks, (like me) they begin to run out of some items, it’s not like they’re empty! And after you finish (and get your medal and afghan or jacket) you are treated to a hot barbeque! They have plenty of burgers, turkey legs and chicken even for the slow folks (like me).
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed Sunmart. I was very tired afterward (I’d earned THAT) and NOW I am ready for Disneyworld and GOOFY! Last year I’d had some unfortunate challenges that kept me from the goofy medal, but this year I can almost taste it. See you in Florida next month!
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Posted by Christina on 10 Nov 2006 | Tagged as: Running
Sunday morning dawned with perfect weather for the marathon! Perfect, that is, if your idea of perfect is cold and rainy. While the marathon started earlier, the half marathon started at a very civilized 9AM. We ran mostly on city and neighborhood streets. One part gives a nice overlook of downtown Boise. (Yes it’s after a nice sized hill!) But after that it’s downhill along the road next to the University and past the capitol to zigzag your way to the finish. It was still cold and wet the entire time. There are pictures – in the beginning- of people standing around with umbrellas. Never a good sign as you’re looking out the hotel window! As the pictures go on, if you notice a smudge near the center of the picture, it’s a raindrop that I didn’t notice. There’s also a cute picture of a squirrel on someone’s porch having his way with a pumpkin!
After the race – there was soup for the cold runners, and cold beer for extra carbs! Also, the shirt this year was a nice performance fabric shirt. I will really enjoy it!
Next year, a new date! They’re moving to October 7, 2007. See you there!
Posted by Christina on 17 Sep 2006 | Tagged as: Running
I ran the first Disneyland Half Marathon. Me and sixteen thousand of my closest running friends ran through the parks and beautiful Anaheim. A nice run (with a strict cut off) and a few days in Disneyland.
There are pictures of the time in the parks and the run.
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Posted by Christina on 04 Jul 2005 | Tagged as: Running
I really enjoyed this event. A friend and I decided to run this together. With it being so flat it’s fairly difficult to keep from going out too fast. It was a beautiful setting and a gorgeous downhill start. I have pictures ! The sun was shining, the weather was cool. Not knowing what to expect I was a little concerned that it may be fairly windy, but was greeted with only the gentlest of breezes. I’d frozen my bottle half full, then filled up the bottle on my way out the door. Luckily I had cold electrolyte fluid through mile 11, supplementing with water on the course.
The course was gorgeous! People waterskiing, beautiful homes, horses, a dog kennel, lots of agriculture – it was incredible! The shade was a problem for us. Had a great finish with our names announced as we crossed the finish, got extra loud cheers from other Portland fitters and thoroughly enjoyed our strawberry shortcake.
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Posted by Christina on 26 Jun 2005 | Tagged as: Running
It was a great day! I ran the half, and it was a lovely day! Here are some pictures . I saw 4 deer on the course. Every year it amazes me that the deer are there amongst the runners and sometimes they just stand there and look at you!
The first half runs pretty much around the resort and is rolling and fairly well shaded. The second half runs through some meadows by a horse stable and an airport and is fairly unshaded – it gets pretty hot in this section – then it heads back to the Athlete Village for a big finish! The full marathoners do a second loop.
I loved the colored shirt this year! Big improvement over the white shirts the last couple of years. There is always great entertainment as well. I can tell you, as a vendor, I am at the athlete village from around 6AM to 10 PM so I get to experience the whole thing! My booth was the first one from the Finish line – I hope you were able to stop in and say hi!
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Posted by Christina on 26 Jun 2004 | Tagged as: Running
After running the hilly Helvetia Half Marathon last weekend, I needed a 27 mile training run before the Tahoe Rim Trail Ultra . I picked SunRiver for 2 reasons. 1) it has a little bit of altitude and 2) it is usually warm. Both of these conditions coupled with a few others kicked my butt last year at Tahoe.
The race started at 7:30 AM. SunRiver is a golf resort in the high desert of Central Oregon. I tried for an early start but it was not granted. They walked us to the start line, about 3/4 of a mile. I was surprised how much the mere 4200 feet of elevation affected my breathing. Continue Reading »
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