The Helvetia Half Marathon (Hillsboro, OR June 9, 2007)
Posted by Christina on 18 Jun 2007 at 01:36 am | Tagged as: Running
The Helvetia half marathon was as usual a 1st class event from Paula Harkin (AKA www.runwith This even begins at the Hillsboro stadium on a relatively flat course, then heads north of hwy 26 into the hills. The middle of this race is fairly hilly, before getting back down to the flats before the finish. The lovely scenery takes one’s mind off the aching quads. The weather promised to be dry and perfect. The weather lied a bit. It wasn’t long before runners were greeted with first a light sprinkle, then a heavier sprinkle. I didn’t find the rain terribly daunting, there weren’t big puddles, but eventually the shoes did get wet anyway. It didn’t dampen our spirits and we were all happy half marathon finishers, afterwards we were treated to the famous Helvetia Tavern hamburgers. At the end, the race was out of certain finisher shirt sizes, but true to the first class event, we were promised we would soon be able to swap our shirts for the correct size. Thank you again, Paula! Yup, pictures! LOTS of pictures of Portland Fit friends!
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